Palm Coast Tightens Watering Restrictions
Once a week starting November 1 – new schedule, new limitations
Irrigation is limited to one day per week
Odd numbered addresses irrigate on Saturday
Even numbered addresses irrigate on Sunday
Non-residents (businesses) irrigate on Tuesday
Irrigation is allowed between 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. for users of private irrigation wells.
Users of the City’s water system for irrigation are at Demand Level I and are restricted to irrigate only between midnight and 10:00 a.m.
Irrigation is limited to ¾ inch of water per irrigation zone and to no more than one hour per irrigation zone.
These restrictions apply to water withdrawn from ground or surface water, from a private well or pump or from a public or private water utility. They do not apply to irrigation using reclaimed water or storm water. Restrictions and exceptions can be found on the City of Palm Coast website at
Whats next? Shower on even days only. Toilets to be used on odd days. Only one glass of water per house hold per week. Another great reason to move to P.C..
Does this apply to the dunes development district?
and the communities of hammock dunes and ocean hammock?
Water for ‘The Palm Coast Project’
‘ An approach to a New City: Palm Coast.’
Dr. J. Norman Young & Dr. Stanley Dea.
Reprinted from ‘Environmental Affairs, Volumn 2, Number 1, July 1972.
Page 128
Palm Coast will be neither a "sudden city’ nor an ‘instant’ one but will grow in accordance with a pre-planned program, no matter whether it flourishes twenty, thirty, or forty years from now. Palm Coast is a strip of land thirty miles long at its longest, ten miles wide at its widest, covering approximately 160 square miles. It is a fact that under the controls we will institute, despite its being larger in extent than Detroit or Philadelphia, it will have a density of say, Beverly Hills, California. But more on this later. Palm Coast has about six miles of ocean front, approximately twenty miles on the Intracoastal Waterway, and will have significant man made water areas. Again, these will be reviewed in the main body of the text.
Page 129
Bio-Physical Environment and Pollution Control
Issues of environment and ecology have captured the interest of government, industry, and most importantly, the public. Mirroring this concern for environmental quality, Palm Coast has committed major efforts toward preserving or enhancing the balance of nature in the planning and development of a future city for 750,000 . people. The issue at hand can be simply stated: is it possible to have environment and development as complementary, parrallel objectives, or are theymutually antagonistic to each other?
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ping centers, boating to shopping, and the use of electric minibuses. And, of course, low density in land use takes advantage of the air’s vast dilutive and natural assimilative capacity.
Water Supply Studies
Studies covering the water supply potential for Palm Coast development have been going on continuously since the inception of this development. At that time, the consulting ground water geology firm of Leggette, Brashears & Graham examined the area and researched all existing data to dtermine the ground water potential. They have reported that the water supply for the area will come from three sources. The first is a water deposit that lies within our property boundaries and would be adquate to supply water for the initial phases of our project. The second source of water also lying within the boundaries of the property would be utilized once the potential of the first supply was reached. Studies also showed that the Floridian Aquifer, which lies to the west of our property, would be adequate from a quantitative and qualitative standpoint to supply the 50-60 million gallons a day needed to meet the demands of our ultimate population. The investigation of these areas of water supply involved an exhaustive search of all existing data available in government records as well as a sampling of production wells in the area. Actual drilling of wells was made in areas of high potential so that quantitative and qualitative tests could be made in the proposed area of water supply.
Since these preliinary investigations were made, more detailed studies have borne out the exisence of our initial water supply. Investigative studies and drilling programs are presently underway to finalize the quantity of water that exists in our intermediate source of supply. In addition , more detailed investigations of inland tracts, where hydrogeologic conditions indicate most of the eventual supply will have to be obtained, are now underway in order to locate exactly the water source required for our ultimate population.
Additional studies were also made to determine if there would be any adverse effect by canal construction on the fresh water supply existing in the area. The tests consisted of drilling wells in the shallow sands from the tidal lowlands to a point several miles inland , and they were done to determine the water quality in this area. The tests clearly demonstrated that the ground water in the area planned for waterfront developent was, in its natural state
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too contaminated with brackish water to serve as a potable water supply. The construction of the canals has not degraded any fresh water resources nor should it result in salt water intrusion into the potable water supply in the shallow sands.
(Pls. note this was before energy conservation mindedness, low flow, low flush, etc.)
URL to the Palm Coast Project
For those wanting to read the full publication of ‘An approach to a New City: Palm Coast’ :
Toby if the cost of water in P.C. is not encouragement to conserve then there is no hope. How do the people of P.C. hope to grow the city if water is that limited a resource?
Common on PC Watering Restrictions
People need to realize that there simply isn’t enough water to accommodate countless St. Augustine lawns. It is wasteful and should be stopped. Both the City and County should do away with St. Augustine grass and implement natural landscaping such as xeriscape. Also, I see people’s sprinklers on when it’s not their day, when it’s raining, when it’s past the time to water. Stop complaining about the restrictions and start conserving.
Tax and Spend
Had to give all those bored PC building inspectors a new job of water restriction enforcement. Self fulfilling prophecy for the People’s Republic of Palm Coast.
Reply to JOHN
If we all owned our own water supply, I would agree with you, but we share this limited resource. People are less likely to conserve without encouragement.
Reply to Lou
Hammock Dunes and Ocean Hammock do not use Palm Coast water, but they are part of the St. Johns River Water Management District and governed by their regulation. If you are using Dunes CDD potable water for irrigation, you may water only once a week on the prescribed days and only between 4 pm and 10 am. This also applies if you are using a private well. If, however, you are using re-use water, there are no restrictions.