City of Palm Coast Issues Building Permit to Golden Corral Restaurant

Construction should start soon at location in Cobblestone Village

Golden Corral PrototypeMarch 6, 2008 – Palm Coast, FL – Monday this week, the Golden Corral Restaurant received their building permit for a new restaurant at 225 Cypress Edge Drive in Cobblestone Village where they join anchor stores Lowe’s and Belk. The restaurant will be 11,088 square feet. Golden Corral is a chain with a family buffet/grill format. Their 11,088 square foot format typically seats 440, employs 130 – 160, and provides parking for 170 cars.


Exclusive of water and sewer hookup fees, Golden Corral paid over $190,000 in impact fees to the city.


Golden Corral location map

4 replies
  1. jtw
    jtw says:

    But what about…

    The new Japanese steak house in the same complex? I heard the city is making them run around in circles over permits. Seems the city can’t figure out the venting hoods.

  2. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Impact Fees

    With impact fees of $ 190,000.00, is there any wonder why Palm Coast has troubling attracting new business? Could these high fees be why Carraba\\’s, etc. have never located here?

  3. bb
    bb says:

    First hand

    A representative from Bonefish was quoted as saying that the PC impact fees was a major determinant in their decision of whether or not to relocate here. So, yes it does have a major effect on those kinds of decisions.

  4. George Meegan
    George Meegan says:

    Impact fees or tax revenue

    The fees for puting a business in Palm Coast are use to offset the cost to tax payers that the business generate. The income from business are offset by the cost they paid to the city when they file taxes. They can expense these cost and recover the entire amount. It sure beats us paying the fees for them through property taxes. Stop complaining about impact fees they cost the companies nothing after deducting them from income.

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