Where would Americans Choose to Live? Florida comes in Second

Harris Poll asked Americans which state they would choose to live in if they did not live in the states where they are now.

Palm Coast, FL – October 6, 2009 – For the sixth year in a row, California tops the list of states that Americans would choose to live in if they did not live in the states where they are now. Florida, which was the most popular state in 2001, retains second place on the list and Hawaii is number three. This according to a press release yesterday from the Harris Poll.
New York City tops the list of cities that people would most like to live in or near, followed by Denver and San Francisco. Ironically, though Florida ranked second among states, none of the top fifteen cities favored was in Florida. Apparently, it’s the Florida weather and lifestyle, not Florida’s cities that are so desirable.
The state ranking was:
California (#1)
Florida (#2)
Hawaii (#3)
Texas (#4)
Colorado (#5)
Tied: Arizona, North Carolina, Washington (#6)
Tennessee (#9)
Oregon (#10)
New York (#11)
South Carolina and Massachusetts (#12)
Georgia (#14)
Montana (#15)
Good news for those that made the list. The interactive poll is watched by businesses thinking of relocating or expanding.

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1 reply
  1. Dave Sullivan
    Dave Sullivan says:

    Where Americans Choose to Live

    This Harris Poll proves why you can’t trust polls. First, California is on the verge of bankruptcy, has 12% unemployment rate, super high taxes, let alone all forms of fire, earthquakes, tree huggers and various other fortms of bad things. The people in this poll must all be less than eighteen years old and believe what they see in the movies. Even illegal aliens are slowing down their desire to get to California.

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